A Sátoraljaújhelyi Fegyház és Börtönben működő büntetés-végrehajtási gazdasági társaságnál, az Adorján-Tex Kft.-nél 2018-ban 81 622 tonna lepedőt és 39 955 tonna takarót készítettek a fogvatartottak.
In Service of Justice
History of the Prison Service
29 penal institutions, 4 institutions, 12 commercial companies. These together belong under the command of the Hungarian Prison Service Headquarters. How did the Hungarian Prison Service become so divergent? When was the first prison built? What is the history of the Hungarian Prison Service and when did it start? On this page we would like to present the historical background to our present day.
Source: József Lőrincz – Ferenc Nagy: Penal Administration in Hungary. Hungarian Prison Service Headquarters, Budapest, 1997. Chapter II: From the history of the Hungarian Prison Service