Az Adorján-Tex Kft. varrodájában – amely a Kalocsai Fegyház és Börtönben működik, és fogvatartottak munkáltatásával gyárt textiltermékeket – több mint 108 ezer gyakorló pólót készítettek 2018-ban az elítéltek a hazai rendvédelmi szervek hivatásos egyenruhásainak számára.
The Hungarian Prison Service Organization has published several publications. Of these, the Prison Newspaper was founded in 1898 for prisoners, is displayed every two months and is primarily designed for crime prevention and reintegration. The Prison Newsletter is a bimestrial magazine to inform the employees. The Prison Review is a scientific and professional journal of the prison service, which is published quarterly and presents theoretical and practical studies, research reports and international prison news to address the challenges of the prison service. The Prison Statistics Review contains periodic statistics on the main data of detainees held by the Hungarian Prison Service Organization and on the organization's activities. The Yearbook contains the evaluation of the professional activity of the given period, its decisive events, statistics and the chronicle of the year in Hungarian and English language.