Az elítéltek termelő tevékenységet is folytatnak a 100 százalékig állami tulajdonban lévő bv. gazdasági társaságoknál.
Prison Newsletter
The Prison Newsletter is a bimestrial magazine to inform the employees. The purpose of this publication is to let the staff know about the most important events, actions, and learn about each other's work, their results and the problems they face.
Publishing information
Paper of the Hungarian Prison Service Headquarters
Responsible Publisher: Lieutenant General Dr. Tamás Tóth
Editor in Chief: Colonel György Makula
Deputy Editor: Captain Gergely Kellner
Responsible Editor: Gergő Gábor Kiss
Photo: Barbara Németh
Contact details of the editorial staff
Address: Hungarian Prison Service Headquarters Communication Department, 1054 Budapest Steindl Imre Street 8.
Phone: +36/1/301-8424, -25, e-mail: sajtobv [dot] gov [dot] hu
Printing preparation: Gleenart Gra ka lp. Printing: Duna-Mix Ltd.,2600 Vác, Barabás M. str. 1